So much appreciate the head's up on reading this at a good time! I got that he was such a nice man , and will come back tomorrow. God bless his family 💗. A crying shame.

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Can’t Declare Victory For Natural Immunity.

Because He Is Actually Fighting For Medicine.

That’s What Most People Do Not Realize.

He Believes In Synthetic Medicine.

His Role In This, His Only Role In All Of This

Is To Concede Victory To Natural Immunity

And To Admit To The Complete Failure Of His Professional Field.

That’s The Job That The Medical Freedom Movement Is Engaged In.

That Is What Malone Can’t Stomach.

It’s Us Against Him.

Bet Heavy On Us.

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I agree 100%. He is NOT on the side of Truth, Health, Justice, Medical Freedom, Humanity, or God. He is serving an evil


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Thomas, that's the only thing I have ever heard you say on everyone's comments. Where is your compassion for this doctor? All you care about is your agenda? Stop!

I am sorry, Mitiam, but Thomas doesn't ever say anything else and it's completely inappropriate for him to ignore the content of your article.

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It’s ok Dr Aranda, I am not offended. I simply have seen & heard enough evidence to know that Malone is NOT on the side of Truth, Health, Justice, Medical Freedom, Humanity, or God. He is serving an evil agenda.

Much of the evidence of Malone serving an evil agenda is from Dr Malone’s own statements, CV, actions (re his interactions with Karen Kingston & her family JUly 2023 where he tried to paint her as having cognitive problems post treatment for malaria —which was patently UNTRUE as per video timeline evidence—since she had already recovered per her video interview with Stew Peters dated > 1 month prior to Malone’s attempt to paint the aerolosized attack on Karen in July 2023 as a product of Karen’s “Cognitive issues due to malaria treatment).

I seek truth & share truth.

Other’s opinions or statements do not offend or deter me in the least.

I love you & thank you for your concern ❤️

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‘Because I like you:

I have an agenda, all right. From day, one. And it started with a friendly confrontation when I wrote The Malone Doctrine for he and Jill. And it hasn’t stopped. Until this past weekend when he wasn’t able to get back up from that.

I get screaming from the rooftops. I’ve been screaming across the kitchen table at this man. And I won’t stop.

And while I would never betray years of confidences, I will tell you this: at this point, I would give Bob a Nobel Prize for NOT having any more ideas.

Agenda is an understatement.

‘Because I like you.

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You do you.

That’s what you’re good at.

‘Keep on.

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I am not understanding everything but it seems you have had a longstanding relationship with Malone, one that went bad. I don’t know him.

Why did you write The Malone Doctrine for him?

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And Yet, SARS- CoV-2 …

Is Still Only “Poised” For Human Emergence.

Show Me A Single Respiratory Poison

That Is Self-Replicating.

There Is No There - THERE.

Gain Of Function Is

Gain Of Failure.

“Poised”. Only “Poised”. Still Poised To Fail.

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You think this is only the beginning? And this was planned, synthetic, and intentional?

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