Thank you Dr Aranda, it is DEFINITELY a HUGE Blessing to be in this battle with you. God Is GOOD! May the Lord Bless You & keep you in ALL your endeavors! AMEN!

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I woke up this morning to see this big compliment by MIRIAM BELKNAP for sharing the light and spreading the GOOD WORD of God's Salvation! OF COURSE God gave us a body that innately heals, and put on this earth all natural remedies to obtain His perfection of healing! 🙌

Thank you for putting all my articles together for not only Covid Care, but everything viral.

All Blessings!

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You are very welcome Dr Aranda!

Please join us again tonight on X Spaces If you can: https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1lPKqbzzrnPGb

God Bless You!

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Awe! I can't make it but I'll try next time! Thank you for thinking about me and sharing! I've retweeted and support all your efforts! 🙌 All Blessings!

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Thank you!

Blessings to you too!

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P.S. You are a good and faithful writer! I am blessed to be in this battle with you! I pray that you receive all of God's riches and blessings on this earth, and that all the work of your hands and the steps of your feet are comforted and guided by the Holy Spirit! In Jesus' Name, Amen.

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