Web of Dystopian Tyranny➡️Medical Industrial Complex: How to Resist the Tyranny
Update: (1) Legal News regarding MS state covid vaccine exemptions, San Diego CA schools’ vaccine mandates (2) Sources of meat without mRNA (3) Potentially Helpful Resources for Health Post Covid Vax
The medical industrial complex is now run by globalist depopulation and eugenics advocates, i.e., the United Nations, Schwab, Harari, Gates, the World Health Organization, the FDA, CDC, NIH and others.
They are hellbent on controlling the entire population of the world, or what will be left of it after the majority of humanity has expired from their lethal mRNA Spike Proteins.
Because of the vast breadth & depth of Medical Industrial Complex, it looks like we can’t win a fight with America’s enemies, and yet we must.
In a life and death encounter, we know surrender is death.
If you don’t fight the ocean current, you drown. If you quit running from a fire, you die. If you don’t fight the bad guys, you get torn apart.
So, what will it be America?
Better to die on your feet, than live on your knees.
So what is to be done in order to resist this coming system?
You can’t stop the plan, BUT YOU CAN CHOOSE TO NOT PARTICIPATE IN IT by:
Refusing to take any more Covid shots.
Refusing to take any of the coming 81 mRNA vaccines
Not complying with any future “public health emergency” directives
Supporting local parallel economies in your community by buying/bartering for local NON GMO organic food AND networking with local sources of water, heat, power SO THAT YOU ARE NOT DEPENDENT ON public/governmental sources of water/heat/power that are critical for survival OR on Universal Basic Income for food purchases.
✳️Getting healthy now by saying “yes to personal immune health strategies” while being prepared in case of illness, & saying “no to immune damaging foods & interventions”➡️ READ THE FOLLOWING PDF👇👇👇
✳️Plant a garden
✳️Helping protect yourself BY KNOWING THE TRUTH about the EVIDENCE OF HARM that has already occurred AND CONTINUES to occur with the:
✳️(a) Covid viral bioweapon (SARS-CoV-2 (
✳️(b) HHS (Community Corps) SUBSIDIZED Remdesivir Death “standard of care” protocols,
✳️(c) the Covid shots, &
✳️(d) the planned future onslaught of 81 mRNA shots
Legal News
Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) attorneys have won religious exemption to vaccination in Mississippi for school children.
ICAN secured an historic and critical win with a ruling from the bench following an evidentiary hearing, where a federal court has ruled that the First Amendment requires that, by July 15, 2023, the State of Mississippi afford its residents a religious exemption for their children to attend school without one or more state mandated vaccines!
As initially reported on December 20, 2021, ICAN’s legal team, led by Aaron Siri, prevailed in the San Diego Superior Court, striking down San Diego’s Covid-19 vaccine school mandate.
It was Aaron Siri who pursued a lawsuit against the FDA to release the interim documents that Pfizer created as part of its rollout of the mRNA injections.
These documents showed the serious adverse events that happened to people when they were injected. The judge who heard the case was asked by the FDA to keep the documents hidden for 75 years. The judge said no and the documents were released.
Those Pfizer documents contain evidence of the greatest crime against humanity. The documents proved that the “vaccines” were a failure and that the third largest side effect of the jabs’ failure is COVID.
In January of 2023, ICAN, through its attorneys, sent a letter to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) demanding an explanation for its inexplicable decision to broaden the heart health parameters for pilots.
ICAN will now fund any legal challenge to every single state that mandates its students to receive a COVID-19 vaccine and will continue to be on the frontlines defending your civil rights!
Other Legal News
According to Attorney Tom Renz, mRNA is already in our food & the medical industrial complex is planning mRNA jabs for all hogs, cattle and chickens—so, there is an urgency in growing your own vegetables and canning them.
There are places available to purchase meat that is free of growth hormones, antibiotics and mRNA injections.
Alderspring Ranch carries a variety of pure wholesome beef, pork and lamb without the negative additions. Check out their website, as they have weekly specials.
Melaleuca’s Riverbend Ranch is another source for excellent beef. Join Melaleuca.com (I joined in October 2021).
Potentially Helpful Resources for Health Post Covid Vaccination
Many REAL, scientific, ethical & compassionate doctors/organizations like Dr Peter McCullough & FLCCC (to just name a couple) are working with products & protocols, attempting to save those who took any number of these disabling & deadly injections.
Why are these Covid injections so deadly & disabling?
The C-19 injections contain Modified (SYNTHETIC) Spike Proteins (SP), mRNA and lipid nanoparticles covered in polyethylene glycol which is a petroleum product.
For more information on potentially helpful protocols & products for the Covid vaccinated, please visit:
FLCCC.net and click on Treatment Protocols, then on I-Recover, Post Vaccine Treatment.
Dr. Peter McCullough’s Substack page shows Nattokinase eliminates the SP. He sells Nattokinase through “The Wellness Company,” but it can also be purchased on the web. Required dosage is 2000 FU, and $30.00 will purchase 270 capsules.