Trump’s Call for Building ‘Freedom Cities’ Appears to Be Part of the Globalists’ Plan for Fourth Industrial Revolution Control Grid
Trump’s Call for Building ‘Freedom Cities’ Appears to Be Part of the Globalists’ Plan for Fourth Industrial Revolution Control Grid
In the same way Trump offered his services to the globalists when he sold their deadly mRNA clot shots to conservatives, he is now signaling to them that he is willing and available to be used again — this time to convince us to move back into the cities, where we will be safe, secure and well taken care of.
Trump over the weekend used a campaign message for his 2024 presidential run to tout his idea of building 10 futuristic smart cities on federal lands, a project he would bid out to private mega-developers.
But instead of calling them “smart cities,” Trump, in classic Trumpian form, has rebranded them as “Freedom Cities.”
Watch and see if 99 percent of the “conservative” media isn’t taken in by this.
Do you really believe that, instead of being evil smart cities run by Democrats, when Trump builds those same smart cities they will be sexy “Jetsons-like Freedom Cities”?
Magically, they will instead be freedom cities—places where conservatives will flock to buy new smart homes connected to the smart grid with their smart cars zipping vertically up and down from one place to another within 15 minutes of their homes.
In fact, the New York Post has already introduced the Jetson’s aspect of Trump’s Freedom Cities.
The former president and real estate developer said “just a fraction, one half of 1%” of land owned by the federal government would be needed to build these new cities.
Did you catch that???
Those “freedom” cities would be built on “land owned by the federal government”, SO “freedom” cities would be FEDERAL PROJECTS with a contest to charter up to 10 new cities and award them to the best proposals for development”.
Here is Trump touting his “Freedom Cities” in a video posted to his TruthSocial platform.
FLASHBACK: Toward the end of his presidency on January 21, 2020, Donald Trump traveled to the World Economic Forum meeting in Davos. This was less than two months before Trump took the bait of the globalists he surrounded himself with and declared Covid to be a national emergency, for all intents and purposes suspending the U.S. Constitution and ushering in the first phase of the WEF’s Great Reset, the first order of business of which was to shut down Trump’s booming U.S. economy and impose a whole host of unconstitutional edicts on masking, social distancing, closure of “non-essential” businesses, paying hospitals to follow deadly protocols, along with an all-new system of voting that remains with us today.
During his speech at Davos that year, Trump began by congratulating Klaus Schwab on the WEF’s 50th anniversary, calling it a “truly amazing achievement.”
After addressing the audience, Trump walked into a room of reporters with Schwab, giving a visual of complete unity. And remember, he was in the final year of his presidency just weeks away from buying into the Covid scamdemic and handing over his authority to the globalist weasel Fauci. He proceeded to congratulate Schwab for “doing a fantastic job” and he said he was there in Davos to meet with “the biggest companies in the world, the biggest businesses in the world, and world leaders. All for the benefit of the United States.”
Take a look at the video of this remarkable statement from the man conservatives see as the beacon of the America-first movement and in whom many place all their hopes for a restoration of American greatness.
News flash to Donald Trump: When have the “biggest companies in the world” ever done anything recently that could possibly be said to benefit the United States?
Trump has to know they are all run by woke executives pandering to the likes of Schwab and BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s ESG scoring system.
Trump should have been making it easier for small- and medium-sized businesses to thrive instead of in Davos rubbing shoulders with the Rothschild, Gates, Soros and Rockefeller-backed Luciferians.
Trump said the WEF was made up of “the most important people in the world.”
The man either has zero discernment of the plans of these corrupt families and is playing the role of useful idiot,
or MORE LIKELY, he is part of the club and knowingly using his influence to bring about their utopian dreams of global government ushered in predominantly through smart cities.
Trump, while in Davos, was asked by a reporter about his stance on “climate change,” and he regurgitated the WEF’s fake talking points. He answered saying, “Oh I’m a big believer in the environment. The environment to me is very important.”
Schwab himself praised Trump at the conclusion of Trump’s 2020 address to the globalists gathered in Davos, stating:
“Mr. President, thank you for your speech, and congratulations for what you have achieved for your economy, but also for your society – we discuss here very intensively the question of inclusiveness, but all your (Trump’s) politics certainly are aiming to create better inclusiveness for the American people.
“I want to thank you particularly for injecting optimism into our discussions. We have many problems in the world, but I think we need, as you said, we need dreams. And we have all the capabilities, technology, leadership, to realize those dreams.”
Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, and son-in-law Jared Kushner, are products of the WEF’s young leaders’ programs.
Should Donald Trump somehow defy all the odds and make it back into the White House, expect to see a very different Trump from the one we saw in his first three years in office and more like the one we saw in 2020, his final year in office.
He is either extremely gullible or, MORE LIKELY, he’s one of them.