Spike Protein interacts with ACE2, ACE2 becomes CELL SIGNALING transmitter-INSTRUCTS CELL to upregulate cancer causing genes, downregulate cancer prevention genes, induce neurodegeneration & fibrosis
Many vaccinated individuals will keep taking more mRNA injections (causing the body to produce more & more spike protein & producing major health problems) because of Backfire Bias
When the Spike Protein interacts with ACE2, ACE2 becomes a transmitter of CELL SIGNALING.
In other words, it GIVES INSTRUCTIONS TO THE CELL. And, these instructions are BAD. VERY BAD.
The instructions tell the cell to upregulate cancer causing genes, downregulate cancer prevention genes and induce neurodegeneration and fibrosis.
Now, this is horrific enough, indeed. But what turns it into a nightmare beyond comprehension is that ACE2 is EVERYWHERE!
Spike Protein is a protein developed for universal invasion & fatal pathological effects—because it is able to attach to ACE2 that is in EVERY MAJOR ORGAN & cause maximum damage—yet be easily dismissed as 'natural' death.
This is war on humanity.
Plain and simple—a bioweapon designed to depopulate—maximum damage & death.
A protein that would just attach to certain cells, like liver cells or kidney cells, or CD4 T-Cells (as in the case of HIV) would not do the job.
Body Localization of ACE-2: On the Trail of the Keyhole of SARS-CoV-2
We now have ample evidence that the Spike Protein is indeed highly capable of and causing cancer and fibrotic disease:
The COVID-19 Cell Signalling Problem: Spike, RAGE, PKC, p38, NFκB & IL-6 Hyper-Expression and the Human Ezrin Peptide, VIP, PKA-CREB Solution
S2 subunit of SARS-nCoV-2 interacts with tumor suppressor protein p53 and BRCA: an in silico study
Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase (MAPK) Activation, p53, and Autophagy Inhibition Characterize the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Spike Protein Induced Neurotoxicity
The intersection of COVID-19 and cancer: signaling pathways and treatment implications
This possibility has actually been warned of before, but the authors of the study didn’t quite understand the big picture. Now we do:
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Elicits Cell Signaling in Human Host Cells: Implications for Possible Consequences of COVID-19 Vaccines
SPIKE PROTEIN is the issue.
mRNA platform driven production of SPIKE PROTEIN within & throughout the body OF UNKNOWN DURATION should be the primary health concern of humanity.
Source article for above information:
Sadly, many fear driven, vaccinated individuals will keep taking more mRNA injections (causing the body to produce more & more spike protein & producing major health problems) because of Backfire Bias.
The saying (often attributed to Mark Twain), “It’s easier to fool a man than to convince him he’s been fooled,” explains Backfire bias…
I believe the image below perfectly depicts the irrational belief system which causes Backfire Bias in a man who invested too much in his fervent beliefs to dump them…
… even when there is no other explanation for his health problems other than the mRNA injections—read the substack below for the details:
Sadly, in addition to simple backfire biase (cognitive dissonance), there is now autopsy results showing histopathological evidence of neurological (cognitive) damage in brain regions associated with ORGANIC Psychosis & personality changes after mRNA injection.
So for those of us attempting to inform others of the real threat to the health & lives of those who are fervent believers in the mRNA shots, the dual barriers of Backfire Bias (cognitive dissonance) & neurological (cognitive) damage in brain regions associated with organic psychosis & personality changes after mRNA injection likely significantly limits the cognitive ability of those we are attempting to inform to reasonably process the information we provide.
WATCH THE FOLLOWING 22 minute VIDEO CLIP (introduced by Attorney Reiner Fullmich entitled “Suddenly Changed: Personality changes after mRNA injection” with Dr Peter Breggin & Naomi Wolf) featuring Professor Dr Sucharit Bhakdi—beginning at the 2:45 mark, he clearly informs us that, 3 months ago, the WHO announced (on a released video) it’s “intent to introduce mRNA ‘vaccines’ for all vaccinations on earth”:
AFTER WATCHING THE 22 MINUTE CLIP FEATURING DR BHAKDI’S AUTOPSY DERIVED HISTOPATHOLOGICAL EVIDENCE OF SPIKE PROTEIN INDUCED NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGE WITH ASSOCIATED PSYCHOSIS & PERSONALITY CHANGE, it is patently obvious that US “health” agencies are steamrolling right ahead—despite the carnage already inflicted by the most dangerous medical products in history, the Covid mRNA jabs—& adding even more mRNA shots for population-wide genetic experimentation: