UPDATE 10/27/22 VIDEO LINKS ADDED: My Husband Bob Was Killed By Covid Medical “Standard Of Care” In Oct 2020–30,000 Americans Killed By The Standard Of Care In April 2020 Alone
Untold numbers killed April 2020-Present by hospital Remdesivir, ventilator, medical/medication iatrogenesis “standard of care” IN COMBINATION WITH BLOCKING PATIENT ACCESS TO ANY OTHER TREATMENTS
My husband, Bob Belknap was one of the untold horrific number of Americans who were killed.
He died on Oct 6, 2020 because he was DENIED ACCESS TO ANY OTHER TREATMENT other than the hospital Remdesivir/ventilator/other medical/medication iatrogenesis “standard of care”.
Here is his story:
9/11/20-10/6/2020 is etched in my mind.
For the first 9 days of Bob’s hospitalization at CRMC (Capitol Region Medical Center, Jefferson City, MO), my husband Bob gradually suffocated from covid with the "standard of care" & had to go on a ventilator on 9/19/2020 even though additional treatment (IV vitamin C & IV glutathione) was requested by & available from Bob's family physician by day 3, 9/15/22–Yet, the hospital & doctors on staff REFUSED TO ALLOW ANY OTHER TREATMENT, INCLUDING HCQ, that was requested on 9/15/2020.
I cried & begged (for 17 more days) & tried to get a lawyer, any lawyer, to help me make the hospital give Bob the additional treatments his family physician was willing to provide since their “standard of care” protocol (OF A 5 day course of REMDESIVIR, completed 9/16/2020, steroids, antibiotics etc …)was obviously failing as his body slowly shut down.
On October 3, 2020, staff at CRMC call & state that we can finally come into the hospital to see Bob—after 22 days of refusing entry to us & refusing him the care he needed to survive, they allow me & my son Michael to see him after telling me “his pupils are no longer responding to light”.
On Oct 5, 2020, they draw blood work in the morning—which is an invasive procedure—-yet that evening at a (legally recorded) meeting with the pulmonologist in charge of Bob’s care, that pulmonologist refuses my request for an EEG to determine brain function which is a non-invasive procedure.
Despite explaining that I, as Bob’s medical POA, wanted the EEG for my peace & information in order to decide about whether removing Bob’s intubation was indicated, my request was flatly refused—leaving me only to surmise that they had something to hide or wanted the bed empty (since revenue is maximized with bed turnover) BECAUSE an EEG is not invasive, costs little, & would confirm the need to extubate (as per their report on 10/2/22 that “his eyes weren’t responding to light”).
The next day, Oct 6, 2020, those same doctors & hospital who denied my husband access to any other treatments except their failed Remdesivir death protocol “standard of care” act as if it's nothing that I'm the one who must sign for them to pull the ventilator tube,
& they act as if it’s nothing that I & my son must stand there & watch the one & only love of my life take his last 3 breaths as his heart stops beating.
Unfortunately, the horrendous truth is that Bob’s case is in no way an isolated incident.
Multitudes of Americans have been victimized & killed by these murderous “standard of care” policies, and their cases & families’ voices are being suppressed.
If you would like to learn more about how to Help Fight Against Medical Tyranny and/or help document and archive stories from COVID victims and their families, please volunteer to assist this effort today by going to FormerFedsGroup Freedom Foundation at:
The COVID-19 Humanity Betrayal Memory Project is building a living archive of crimes against humanity committed during the COVID crisis. CHBMP is an online resource for information regarding individual victims of the FDA Death Protocol including remdesivir and the concerted effort to deny COVID victims safe and effective alternatives to expensive and often deadly EUA drugs, victims of vaccine mandates, and others who have been harmed in the name of “public health”.
You can go to this link to see the current archive of information documenting individual victims of the FDA Death Protocol including remdesivir and the concerted effort to deny COVID victims safe and effective alternatives to expensive and often deadly EUA drugs, victims of vaccine mandates, and others who have been harmed at the following link:
***UPDATE 10/27/22***
As promised, here’s the links to the video interview describing my husband’s victimization & death via the FDA Death Protocol including remdesivir and CRMC’s denial of safe and effective treatment alternatives while only “treating” with “standard of care” expensive, ineffective, and deadly EUA drugs.
For more information & data supporting the case that multitudes of people have been impacted by these murderous “standard of care” FDA Death Protocol/remdesivir policies, please read the following excerpts from the substack article by Michael P Sanger (attorney and author of “Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down the World”), republished with permission per Dr Robert Malone at the following link:
Over 30,000 Americans appear to have been killed by mechanical ventilators or other forms of medical iatrogenesis throughout April 2020, primarily in the area around New York.
This result is not altogether surprising, as subsequent studies revealed a 97.2% mortality rate among those over age 65 who were put on mechanical ventilators in accordance with the initial guidance from the WHO—as opposed to a 26.6% mortality rate among those over age 65 who weren’t put on mechanical ventilators.
A clear cluster forms at the top of the chart in the area around New York City, with New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts generally experiencing the greatest percentages of excess deaths per capita for each week of April 2020.
However, outside of those four states, excess deaths per capita fall into a more normal range.
The idea that a particularly deadly strain or variant began emanating from New York in March 2020 is belied by the fact that states like Vermont and New Hampshire, which are both very close to New York, had some of the lowest percentages of excess deaths of any states.
Even more remarkably, Maine is very close to New York and had virtually no excess deaths to speak of throughout April 2020.
These counterexamples of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine, each of which is very close to New York but experienced few if any excess deaths in spring 2020, strongly refutes the notion that a particularly deadly virus began spreading from New York in March 2020.
Explaining Outsized Excess Deaths in NY, NJ, CT, and MA in April 2020
If Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine refute the notion that a supervirus emanated from New York in March 2020, then what may account for the particularly high excess deaths in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts in April 2020?
The answer is that New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts experienced a particular hysteria for the use of mechanical ventilators in spring 2020 JUST AS NEW YORK DID.
Although no one has yet collected data on just how many patients were placed on mechanical ventilators in spring 2020 (or to the present date), we can get a sense for the level of ventilator hysteria from the hundreds of headlines advocating mechanical ventilators that sprung up around that time.
For example, Google yields hundreds of results for the query “New York mechanical ventilators 2020.” A sample of the hundreds of headlines are ones such as: “NY may need 24,000 more ventilators to fight COVID-19. Here’s how it could get them,” “Which coronavirus patients will get life-saving ventilators? Guidelines show how hospitals in NYC, US will decide,” “New York City Needs 400 Ventilators by Sunday, de Blasio Says,” “Amid Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, Governor Cuomo Announces 1,000 Ventilators Donated to New York State,” “A New York hospital is treating two patients on a device intended for one.”
Likewise, Google yields hundreds of results for the query “New Jersey mechanical ventilators 2020.” A sample of some of these headlines include: “New Jersey hospitals scrambling for more ventilators as coronavirus cases surge,” “Why Ventilators Are Critical and How NJ Is Preparing for a Possible Shortage,” “New Jersey officials planning for possibility of rationing ventilators,” “There could be a shortage of lifesaving equipment in New Jersey. Who decides who gets it?”
Google also yields many results for the query “Massachusetts mechanical ventilators 2020,” such as: “Massachusetts hospitals scramble to get more ventilators before deluge of coronavirus patients,” “Mass. Delegation Urges FEMA to Immediately Release Enough Ventilators from the Strategic National Stockpile to Massachusetts as Hospitals Prepare for Surge,” “Facing COVID-19 Surge, Massachusetts Is Short 1,300 Ventilators Baker Requested.”
This ventilator hysteria phenomenon was not nearly as pronounced in other states.
Compared to the many hundreds of results for New York and New Jersey, Google yields relatively few results for the query “Michigan mechanical ventilators 2020.”
Likewise, Google yields relatively few results for “California mechanical ventilators 2020,” “Texas mechanical ventilators 2020,” or “Florida mechanical ventilators 2020,” despite the fact that each of these latter states is larger than New York by population.
Given we now know that patients over age 65 were more than 26 times as likely to survive if they were not placed on mechanical ventilators, it’s easy to see how this hysteria for mechanical ventilators in the New York area accounted for the particularly high excess death rates in that region.
Additionally, because the neighboring states of Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine experienced little to no excess deaths during this time period, the overuse of mechanical ventilators and other medical iatrogenesis in spring 2020 provides a far more robust explanation for the particularly high rates of excess deaths in the New York area than does a particularly deadly strain or variant.
Data indicates that some 30,000 patients in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Massachusetts were killed by mechanical ventilators or other medical iatrogenesis in April 2020 alone.
Michael P Senger’s calculation that approximately 200,000 Americans had been killed by lockdowns and Covid mandates by comparing the rate of excess deaths in America to that of Sweden was subsequently borne out in a study by the National Bureau of Economic Research.
The importance of further study into the actual causes of excess deaths not only in spring 2020, but also to present date can’t be overstated.
The legal protections afforded to the WHO by virtue of its status as an international governing body and legal protections afforded to to ALL PARTIES (CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID, State Medical Boards, State Pharmacy Boards, Hospital Adminstrators, Doctors, Nurses, Big Pharma) who promote/dictate the hospital Remdesivir/ventilator/other medical/medication iatrogenesis “standard of care” WHILE BLOCKING HOSPITALIZED PATIENT ACCESS TO ANY OTHER TREATMENT—make it uniquely difficult to bring class action lawsuits over this deadly initial Covid guidance or to shed light on it.
The horrific number of Americans who were killed, not only in April 2020 but up to the present date, by the hospital Remdesivir/ventilator/other medical/medication iatrogenesis “standard of care” IN COMBINATION WITH AMERICANS BEING DENIED ACCESS TO ANY OTHER TREATMENT CRIES OUT FOR JUSTICE & class action lawsuits MUST BE BROUGHT against ALL PARTIES INVOLVED.
Thank you for this well written article. I am very sorry for your loss.