MAKING A KILLING: Hospital Remdesivir Death Protocols
Johns Hopkins: US Death count as of Nov 2022 is 1,074,688
Hospitals & physicians ARE violating the Hippocratic Oath and Nuremberg Code as they deny potentially life-saving medications, deploy murderous injections, administer lethal drugs such as remdesivir, inflict ventilator-associated lung injuries, apply high-risk interventions like intubation—KILLING AND MAIMING— & colluding with tyrants to do so.
But, you don’t have to be a physician, an abominable scoundrel doing the above things to be an enabler of tyranny…
You simply need to hold your tongue. You simply need to look the other way…
You simply need to turn a deaf ear…
You simply need to stifle your gut feeling that something is profoundly, irrevocably wrong about every venomous lie, absurd policy, and malignant mandate that has bombarded the public since spring 2020…
You simply need to live in fear…
You simply need to cling to your ignorance…
You simply need to follow the leader & follow the pseudoscience…
You simply need to surrender to cowardice…
By doing do, You Are A Colluder Enabling the medical establishment, via hospital “standard of care” Remdesivir death protocols to Make A (FINANCIAL) Killing by murdering hundreds of thousands of our loved ones—including Tony Myers & my husband, Bob Belknap.
Making A Killing | Unmasking The Truth Behind Deadly Hospital Protocols: Patty Myers’ story of the death of her husband, Tony Myers
God help all colluders who have enabled a system which murders via protocol, killing patients for money, thinking they will avoid answering to God for their crimes against humanity….
Because God’s wrath IS coming when “‘Suddenly it all comes down, all at once.”
1 Thessalonians 5:3
When people are saying, “Everything is peaceful and secure,” then disaster will fall on them as suddenly as a pregnant woman’s labor pains begin. And there will be no escape.
You WILL see what you are, what you have done, or, what you haven’t done [for that was all that was required of (compliant, virtue signaling colluders):
that they do nothing to stand against] an evil tyrannical system to that maimes & kills—destroying the lives & loved ones of millions in exchange for MONEY & FAKE “security” in the FORM of “15 days to stop the spread/slow the curve”, lockdowns, mask mandates, Remdesivir hospital death protocols, “vaccine” mandates…
Disaster will “fall on you” just when you think you are “secure”, “And there will be no escape.” because you will be destroyed just as you have allowed others to be destroyed by your collusion.