Dr Anita Baxas demonstrates Zeolite enhances Nanotech self assembly, in presence of EMF➡️ Zeolite ALONE had no effect on VACCINE INJURED blood, BUT FIBERS GREW WITH EMF
Dr Anita Baxas loves the Art of Medicine & loves Humanity: She warns we are being led to a dark technocratic future by those wanting to kill most of us and turn the rest of us into mindless drones.
PER Dr Anita Baxas:
Zeolite enhances Nanotech self assembly, in the presence of EMF (think 5G, iphones…)
Dr Anita Baxas Notes 7 Articles of interest with the last one including info as follows:
Constructing dye-zeolite photonic nanodevices by Huub Maas & Gion Calzaferri, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Bern, Switzerland
“Because of their well-defined internal structure with uniform cages, cavities or channels, zeolites are extremely well suited as host materials.15 Zeolites are inorganic microporous and microcrystalline materials built up of corner shared tetrahedra and capable of complexing or adsorbing small and me-dium-sized organic molecules.16 Typical crystal sizes are in the 0.05-10 μm range. The structures can be thought of as sponge-like material with channels and cages that extend periodically and regularly across their entire structure…..” and
“A wide spectrum of guests in zeolites has been studied. If guest molecules or clusters are encapsulated in these host materials and subjected to constrained dimensions, the properties and reactivities of the incorporated materials change. This can lead to very interesting applications like gas separation, selective catalysis, removal of pollutants and ion exchangers, data storage, quantum electronics and non-linear optics, chemoselective devices, nano reaction chamber, or energy conversion systems.”
The ABOVE ⬆️ article goes on to explain how energy transfer from one material to another is accomplished via zeolite.
Some of the aforementioned 7 studies (See “SOURCE LINK” below) refer to the industrial use of zeolite, but they also mention the ✳️use in medical applications✳️
We also need to consider that the nanotechnology injected with the Covid jabs IS NOT (in essence) a medical product, but, INSTEAD IS 🔴a technological product🔴 and, thus, the above studies show that ZEOLITE can be USED IN TECHNOLOGY to ENHANCE the abilities of sensors regarding energy supply, SELF-ASSEMBLY CAPABILITIES and possibly TEI-WAY COMMUNICATION WITH TECHNOLOGY OUTSIDE THE BODY (Bluetooth? Starlink? 5G towers?).
Self Assembly
The video below is by courtesy of Ria Hayes of Longhaulers.world in the UK showing assembly in a drop of Zeolite(Clinoptilolite):
Dr Anita Baxas IS NOT a proponent of AI, but, she asked the AI driven search engine http://perplexity.com/ the following QUESTION:
Can clinoptilolite (the Zeolite used in this product) be used with polymers and graphene oxide for the Internet Of Body nanotechnology?
“Clinoptilolite, a natural zeolite, has shown promising applications when combined with polymers and graphene oxide for advanced nanotechnology, including potential uses in 🔴Internet of Body (IoB)🔴devices.
This combination of materials offers unique properties that make them suitable for various biomedical and sensing applications.
A friend of Dr Anita Baxas’ who was made severely ill with the Covid jab, sent her some blood to analyze.
▪️There was numerous white blobs embedded within the red blood cells—Are they the beginnings of white rubbery clots?
▪️White blood cells were seen working hard to attack these blobs, WITHOUT success.
Dr Dr Anita Baxas then added 1 ml of the zeolite product to 10 ml blood and checked if anything changed.
▪️Nothing changed.
▪️AFTER four days on the phone charging plate (EMF), fibers showed up in the blood (on bright field microscopy) that weren’t there before👇:
Dr Anita Baxas checked it again two weeks later WITHOUT EMF exposure…
▪️AND there was NO CHANGE.
▪️Zeolite ALONE had no effect on the blood, BUT FIBERS GREW under the influence of EMF which IS NOT a good thing.
A NOTE from Dr Anita Baxas:
I do research and write these posts in my spare time which is extremely limited.
My motivation in medicine has always been to help people and keep them from harm.
I don’t get paid for any of my research or my articles and I don’t sell or promote products for financial gain.
I do it to get out information that is being suppressed while humanity is being led down a very dangerous and dark path of a technocratic future that wants to kill most of us and turn the rest of us into mindless drones.