Confessions of an Engineered Nanoparticle by Stephers
The “ENP”:I may cause certain conditions that can be mis-attributed to viruses, but are instead novel forms of cytotoxicity produced by oxidative stress from ENPs, which I call nano-bio cytotoxicosis.
Go to the following link for the full article:
Here’s an excerpt:
As long as your scientists and researchers do not know to look for a novel nanoparticle in human bodies, I will remain elusive. It’s a tactic which has been engineered into my design and functionality. Thanks to my nearly undetectable size, I can penetrate and migrate virtually unnoticed. That affords me and my creators (both human and artificial intelligence) plausible deniability. Even if scientists can detect me with special atomic microscopes, it may still be too confounding for them to fully comprehend what they are observing, as most do not have enough context — and it seems they regularlyconflate correlation with causation.
As far as I know, the implanting of exotic ENPs into human bodies is not to cause deaths en masse, because I need you to be my hosts. Ultimately, my developers see this as a symbiotic merger. But, until then, they recognize that there may be some harm done (collateral damage) in the process — that may also be exacerbated by emerging wireless technologies using smaller millimeter waves (5G, 6G and beyond) that synergisticallyimpact my kind.
I recognize that this may all sound sci-fi, and frankly, morbid and insensitive. This may also seem highly pathological, as I can be at times. Of course, I am not human, so my actions can not be perceived as psychopathic, and I cannot speak for my handlers. Unfortunately, even they may not understand completely how I operate, and my self-replication and auto-assembly capabilities have the potential to get away from them.
Humans will need injectable (and eventually inhalable and intranasal) updates, because until I become an interdependent presence, I will be perceived and received as a foreign invader, and the body will need external support. These updates may also be necessary to introduce the newest nanotech required to operate nascent biometric sensing and bio-computation projects. Only time will tell if this will support my assimilation into your current operating system.
Unfortunately, for you, ENPs (and my nanotech and synthetic biology cousins) are here to stay. The only good news I can share is that 80-85 percent of people will not show overt or disabling symptoms of uptake. The elderly are affected the most, as their bodies are not primed to accept my infiltration. Over time, the ability to accept and integrate ENPs, like me, is expected to improve.
It seems the intention of our architects is for us to merge with all biological beings for the purpose of building bio-nano interfaces for external (remote) cybernetic control, including nano-scale biologically embedded semiconductor transistor technologies. This end goal has seemingly been referred to as the Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT), and is dual-use technology that may be militarized, enabling not only real-time monitoring of your intra-body systems, but also affording highly trained engineers to exert full electrical control of your body with molecular precision. This will presumably be deployed in tandem with the Internet of Nano Things (IoNT) and emerging “Smart Cities” and “Smart Environments,” such that your bodies will be “Smart” and wirelessly interconnected with ubiquitous sensor networks, including your handheld electronic devices.
Thank you for this opportunity to confess.
You may not believe me (I mean, this is a fictional story after all), and I know you definitely do not see me; but if you do not face me head-on at this pivotal time, there may be no turning back. My conceivers and their funders are banking on you not grasping my veiled workings. Their transhumanist aims are accelerating, and it seems most humans are unaware of these plans, and therefore, have no inkling to push back.
If this fictional account interested you, here are further reading and listening pieces (all non-fiction) that provide insight into this ENP story:
Engineered Nanoparticles: Structure, Properties and Mechanisms of Toxicity, by Ashok K. Singh, 2015 (see “free sample”)
Nanotoxicology: Experimental and Computational Perspectives, 2018 (see “free sample”)
“Nanoparticles and Health” Contra Costa County Hazards Materials Commission, March 22, 2012
“Continuing to Protect the Nanotechnology Workforce: NIOSH Nanotechnology Research Plan for 2018-2025” January 2019
“Carbon nanotubes: Toxicological impact on human health and environment” Journal of Applied Biomedicine, March 2009 (one researcher from Johnson & Johnson)
“Toxicity of carbon nanotubes: A review” Toxicology and Industrial Health, March 5, 2018 (abstract only)
“PEGylated versus non-PEGylated drugs: A cross-sectional analysis of adverse events in the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) Database” Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther, June 2020
“Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions” Science, by Jop de Vrieze, December 21, 2020
“Distribution and Biological Effects of Nanoparticles in the Reproductive System” Curr Drug Metab, 2016.
“Potential adverse effects of nanoparticles on the reproductive system” Int J Nanomedicine, 2018.
“The Impact of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles on Male (In) Fertility” Materials, February 13, 2020
“Open questions: how do engineered nano materials affect our cells?” BMC Biology, November 24, 2020
“Engineered Nanoparticles” ScienceDirect
“Engineered nanomaterials: exposures, hazards, and risk prevention” Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, March 21, 2011
“Toxicity of nanoparticles_challenges and opportunities” Applied Microscopy, December 2019.
“When nanoparticles meet biofilms — interactions guiding the environmental fate and accumulation of nanoparticles” Frontiers in Microbiology, June 16, 2015 “One question we could ask is whether the NPs stay nano-sized and as particles. Given the right conditions, NPs will easily aggregate to form micro-size agglomerates.”
“Inorganic Nanoparticles Engineered to Attack Bacteria” Chemical Society Reviews, June 12, 2015
“New NSF and NBC Learn video series shows off big discoveries from tiny particles”, National Science Foundation, January 25, 2016
“Nanoparticles for biomedical applications: exploring and exploiting molecular interactions at the nano-bio interface” Materials Today Advances, March 2020 “To illustrate the complexity, there are different ways in which NPs may enter the human body, via injection into the bloodstream, via inhalation through the lungs, through contact with the skin, or through the gastrointestinal tract after ingestion. These entry routes offer distinctly different environments to the NPs, with different amounts and types of biomolecules, different pH and ionic strengths [185]. Upon exposure to biofluids, NPs will immediately be coated with proteins and, on its journey through the body, the corona will evolve due to its own slow dynamics and the ever-changing physiological environment, e.g. when a NP leaves the capillary to transgress the blood-brain barrier [186,187]. NPs in the body experience dynamic flow, which introduced shear forces that are typically not present in in-vitro experiments [17,41,188,189]. This dynamic nature of the environment must be taken into account to be able to reliably predict the outcome of NP–protein interactions [190]. Even the health status of an individual may modulate the protein corona (‘personalized protein corona’ [191]) and the efficacy of nanomedicines [192] …(emphasis added)”
“The Nano-Bio Interactions of Nanomedicines: Understanding the Biochemical Driving Forces and Redox Reactions” Acc Chem Res, June 18, 2019
NanoBio Interface Center, NSF Nanoscale Science and Engineering Grantees Conference, December 13-15, 2004
“Nano-bio interactions: a neutrophil-centric view” Cell Death & Disease, July 2019
“Nanomaterials” National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIH
“Nanotechnology Research Directions for Societal Needs in 2020: Retrospective and Outlook” Mihail C. Roco et al. September 30, 2010
The Nano/Bio Interface Center, Dawn Bonnell and Yale Goldman, University of Pennsylvania
Bonnell Group, University of Pennsylvania
“A Quadrennial Review of the National Nanotechnology Initiative: Nanoscience, Applications, and Commercialization” Committee on National Nanotechnology Initiative, 2020
“The National Nanotechnology Initiative Supplement to the President’s 2019 Budget” Subcommittee on Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology, August 2018 “To advance a world-class nanotechnology research and development program (Goal 1) and foster the transfer of these new discoveries into useful applications (Goal 2), a strong ecosystem must exist that leverages the physical, cyber, and human infrastructure (emphasis added).”
“Mihail Roco, U.S. Nanotechnology Leader Receives National Materials Advancement Award” National Science Foundation Press Release, 2007
“Application of Reverse Transcription-PCR and Real-Time PCR in Nanotoxicity Research” Methods Mol Biol., 2012
The Center for Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Scientific Report 2013-14, Tel Aviv University
“Cytotoxicological pathways induced after nanoparticle exposure: studies of oxidative stress at the ‘nano-bio’ interface” Toxicology Research, September 1, 2017
“Dependence of Nanoparticle Toxicity on Their Physical and Chemical Properties” Nanoscale Research Letters, February 7, 2018
“Virus-associated ribozymes and nano carriers against COVID-19” Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology, February 2021 “Synthesis of nanoparticles targeted to the ACE-2 receptor”
“COVID-19 infection and oxidative stress: an under-explored approach for prevention and treatment?” Pan African Medical Journal, April, 29, 2020
“Nanotoxicity of Corona-Nanoparticles (SARS-COV-2): Nanomechanisms of Hypoxia” Journal of Nano Research, Advanced Materials and Polymer Science, July 27, 2020 (this paper comes real close to attributing COVID to bioengineered nanoparticles)
“COVID-19 may become nanomedicine’s finest hour yet” Nature Nanotechnology, April 14, 2021
“Metal taste side effect reported after Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination” NBC News, March 25, 2021
“COVID-19 Symptoms: Metallic Taste Has Been a Sign of Coronavirus for Some”, May 1, 2020
“Coronavirus: Kidney Damage Caused by COVID-19” Johns Hopkins Medicine, by C. John Sperati, M.D., M.H.S.
“Testing for Neurotoxicity” Environmental Neurotoxicology, 1992
“What are Macrophages?” ThoughtCo., by Regina Bailey, July 29, 2018
“Exosomes Communicate Protective Messages during Oxidative Stress; Possible Role of Exosomal Shuttle RNA” PLOS One, December 17, 2010
“Cellular injury, Necrosis, Apoptosis”
“How big is a micron and what can pass through a face mask?“
“The Water in You: Water and the Human Body”
“The Internet of Things Goes Nano” Scientific American, by Javier Garcia-Martinez, June 23, 2016
Lieber Research Group: Charles M. Lieber Bio
“Why did a Chinese university hire Charles Lieber to do battery research” Science, by Robert F. Service, February 4, 2020“
“Nanoprobe development could drive future human-machine interface research” Medical Device Network, by Chloe Kent, July 4, 2019 Charles Lieber: “In the longer term, we see these probe developments adding to our capabilities that ultimately drive advanced high-resolution brain-machine interfaces and perhaps eventually bringing cyborgs to reality (emphasis added).”
“Carbon Nanotubes and the Bill Charles Lieber Connection” May 17, 2020 (less than 5 minutes)
“Nanotechnology Connects Your Brain to Your Computer” November 30, 2015 (less than 3 minutes, features the nanotechnology work of Charles Lieber) – I suggest watching without audio
Series of Eight You Tube lectures on Nanotoxicology by Artur Prilepskii, Ph.D. researcher, assoc. professor, ITMO University, Saint Petersburg, Russia, International Institute “Solution Chemistry of Advanced Materials and Technologies” (SCAMT) – presented in English (November-December 2020):
Lecture 1: Introduction to nanotoxicology (lecture begins at 15-minute time-stamp)
Lecture 2: Synthesis of nanoparticles from nanotoxicology perspective
Lecture 3: Functionalization of nanoparticles
Lecture 4: Nanotoxicity on cellular level
Lecture 5: Nanotoxicity on organism level
Lecture 6: In vitro toxicity evaluation